
LIGMAN MicroVOS™ (Micro Variable Optical System) is our unique technology enabling customers to specify specifically tailored optics for all fixtures where you see the MicroVOS™ logo.
Always available for these products are a number of standard codes for the most common micro-optics as offered in the product tables
(for example Type-1, Type-2, Type-3, Type-4, Type-5, ME etc.).
Typical standard MicroVOS™ optics:
Type-1 Type-2 Type-3 Type-4 Type-5 ME

However, if the need is for something more specific and unique to these, LIGMAN can offer custom optics to suit the precise need for project lighting distributions. with MicroVOS™ LIGMAN can combine optics to create custom solutions as well as offer additionally specialised optics if additional cut-off angles are desired, or have optics rotated 90, 180 or 270 degrees. The opportunities are near limitless.
Below are just some examples of what can be possible, but for the full MicroVOS™ service please contact your local sales representative with your project needs and we can look at what optics you require and quickly produce software IES optical files for the luminaires for you to model in your lighting design software.
Combination optic examples:
(Type-1 + Type-1 @90°) (Type-1 + Type-3) (Type-1 + Type-5) (Type-2 + Type-1) (Type-4 + Type-1)

Special solution optic examples:
a Type-2m optic
(IESNA Type-2 medium beam with excellent backlight control, illuminance uniformity and cutoff )
a Type-4b optic
(Wide IESNA Type-4 forward throw beam for wide area lighting like car parks )
an SCL optic
(Type-2/3 (long) beam for a very wide pole to pole distances. Ideal for pedestrian paths and residential roads. EN13201 P-Classes )
an FW optic
(Beam with wide light distribution and good illuminance uniformity for residential street lighting and staggered pole setups )

LIGMAN MicroVOS™ is the future for optimised optical control lighting solutions.
Some examples of LIGMAN MicroVOS™ optic ranges:


Vakbeurs Ruimte & Licht

Occupancy Sensing Technology